Cover: Australia's Matt Sandford dancing with the 56-weight for distance, en route to winning the event and delivering a dominating performance, for another World Highland Games Heavy Events Championships title.
- Letters to the Editor
- Hats Off by Randall J. Strossen, Ph.D.
- Iron Filings
- Calendar
- Captains of Crush Grippers: Who's New
- The Iron Mine
- The Man with the Power: Superstar Billy Graham by Andrew DiCiaccio, Jr.
- Creating Champions in Poland by Randall J. Strossen, Ph.D.
- Virgil Arciero: World Arm Wrestling Champion from Dolcini to Dean by Merle Meeter
- Simplify by Steve Jeck
- T. G. I. F.? by Steve Brylski
- Chinning Records by Merle Meeter
- Getting Medieval by Joe Maccarrone
- My Summer with the "Russians" by William T. Klika III
- Life in the Loft: Squat Break by Dr. Ken E. Leistner
- Farmer's Walk Observations by J. V. Askem
- Here's the Scoop by Jim Schmitz
- Always Clean Your Plate by John Brookfield
- Tradition vs. Innovation: Changes Afoot in the Highland Games by Art McDermott, CSCS
- Training for Basque Stone Lifting by Lucio Doncel
- Platform Echoes From Heroes Without Witness by Steven Helmicki
- When Things Were Done Right by Mike Brown
- One-Arm Dumbbell Partial Curl Off the Knee by Steve Justa
- Trimming Down by John McCallum
- Kairikkido: The Way of Super Human Strength by Ashley Jones
- The Millennium "Challenge" Dumbbell by Alan Radley, Ph.D.
- Straight Talk on Internal Power by Fred Hutchinson
- Sandford Spectacular: 2001 World Highland Games Heavy Events Championships by David Webster, OBE
- A Plea for Peace by David Webster, OBE
- Injury-Riddled All-Round Nationals Held by Lee Gesbeck
- United in Strength: USA vs. The World Xtreme Strongman Competition by Wade Gillingham
- Rolling Thunder Northwest Championships by Tod Becraft
- Wonderful Walker: The Story of Ron Walker (Part 2) by Ton Tyrrell
- The Ancestors of John C. Grimek by Josef Svub
128 pp.
No. 1282-9.3 (.5 lb.) $7.95