Cover: The superest of the supers, Hossein Reza Zadeh (IRI) pulls himself under his world record 263-kg clean and jerk, at the 2002 World Weightlifting Championships.
- Strength and Health by Randall J. Strossen, Ph.D.
- Letters to the Editor
- From the Trenches: A New Take on an Old Hole by Craig Holle
- Iron Filings
- Calendar
- Captains of Crush Grippers: Who's New
- The Iron Mine
- Topology by Steve Jeck
- Life in the Loft: Henry Fera by Dr. Ken E. Leistner
- Don Reinhoudt: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow by Bruce Wilhelm
- The Man Who Got Strong on Nice: A Tribute to a Legend by Steven Helmicki
- Cleaning Up the Clean by Bill Starr
- How Much Can You Side Bend? by Fred Hutchinson
- Weight Training and Sore Knees--Part II: There's a Wrong Way and a Right Way to Squat by J. V. Askem
- Build Your Center-Body Stabilizers by Steve Justa
- The Role of Flexibility for Strength and Power Sports by Ernest Roy, PT
- Barbells and Bicycles by John Drewes
- How Athletes Can Increase Performance by Tim Swords
- Quick Hitter Training by Steve Brylski
- Stones Plus Steel Equal Success by John Brookfield
- Strength and Conditioning Training Philosophy by Craig Sowers
- 2002 World Weightlifting Championships: New World Champions, Few World Records by Jim Schmitz
- GNC Blob Challenge at the Olympia: The Blob Wins by Wade Gillingham
- Springfield Hosts the 23rd WAF World Arm Wrestling Championships by Merle Meeter
- All-Round Update by Lee Gesbeck
- 2002 World's Strongest Man: Strongman in a Sauna by Randall J. Strossen, Ph.D.
- The Very Italian Giant: Giovanni Raicevich by Gherardo Bonini
- Legends of Stone: Beginnings and Ends by Peter Martin
- Plow Lifting in the Canary Isles by Lucio Doncel
- The Naha Stone: Hawaii's Royal Stone of Strength by Pat Povilaitis
128 pp.
No. 1282-10.4 (.5 lb.) $7.95