Cover: Steely-eyed and unwavering, Mariusz Pudzianowski became the first man to win the World's Strongest Man title five times.
- Tough Times Aren't All Bad by Randall J. Strossen, Ph.D.
- Letters to the Editor
- Iron Filings by Randall J. Strossen, Ph.D.
- Captains of Crush Grippers: Who's New
- Red Nail Roster
- The Iron Mine
- Mariusz Pudzianowski Wants 2009 World's Strongest Man Win by Randall J. Strossen, Ph.D.
- Forever Linked: Jack Shanks and the Dinnie Stones by William Crawford, M.D.
- Larry Brock: Heavy Intent to Win at the Highland Games by Francis Brebner
- The Nauruan Machine by Paul Coffa
- Preventing Knee Pain--and Treating It If You Mess Up by Ernie Roy, P.T.
- Using Singles Wisely by Bill Starr
- The Pullover and Press/Push by Roger Davis
- Powering Up the Body by Mike Waller, M.A. and Tim Piper, M.S.
- It Really is the Latest, It Really is the Greatest, It Really is the Newest, It Really Is! by Dr. Ken E. Leistner
- Adoption of the Stone by Steven Helmicki
- Pareto's Principle, or Why You Needn't Spend Your Life in the Gym by Steve Morris
- High-Rep Isometrics by Way of the Elephant by Steve Justa
- The Obsolete Man by Steve Jeck
- The Optimum Sequence of Exercise by Brian Mangravite
- Foundations: 4-D Training--Deadlifting, Dips, Dumbbells, and Dousing by Jon Bruney
- Reality Check! by Gabriel Josiah
- Playing Around With the Push Sled by Matt Shatzkin
- Partner Workouts by Brian Jones, M.S.
- Progressive Muscular Relaxation by Col. (Ret.) Joseph H. Wolfenberger
- How Good Were the Women Lifters at the Beijing Olympics? by John Drewes
- The Tale of the Scale, or Making Weight by Jim Schmitz
- Beyond Plyometrics by Pavel
- Cold Water Dousing by John Brookfield
- 2008 Met-Rx World's Strongest Man: Mariusz Pudzianowski . . . WSM Quintuple by Randall J. Strossen, Ph.D.
- Team USA Crowned World Champions in Canada by Denise Wattles
- The World Champion of Burden Lifting: Paul Trappen by Gherardo Bonini
128 pp.
No. 1282-16.4 (.5 lb.) $7.95