Cover: The incomparable John C. Grimek.
- Letters to the Editor
- Welcome by Randall J. Strossen, Ph.D.
- Iron Filings
- Calendar
- The Iron Mine
- Fireworks in Finland: 1998 Weightlifting Championships by Jim Schmitz
- Armwrestlers Battle at Petaluma and Thunder Bay by Merle Meeter
- All-Round News by Lee Gesbeck
- Might and Malady in Morocco: 1998 Worlds Strongest Man Contest by David Webster
- John Carroll Grimek: How He Will be Remembered by David Webster, Bill Starr, Tommy Kono, Randall J. Strossen, Ph.D.
- The Jackson Weightlifting Club: 1998--Back to the Roots by Thomas E. Van Vleck
- Strong Links to Louis Cyr by Eric Murray
- Bill March: King of the Press (Part II) by Bill Starr
- "Czech Lion": Joseph Soukup by Josef Svub
- The Chains by Dr. Ken E. Leistner
- Shibboleth by Steve Jeck
- Varying Your Sets and Reps by Anthony Ditillo
- The Code of the Iron Warrior by Howard L. Liviskie
- Life in the Loft: Heavily Armed by Dr. Ken E. Leistner
- Some Others That are Pretty Good, Too: More Cable Training by Fred Hutchinson
- Concrete or Rocks: Pave Your Way to Super Strength by Steve Justa
- The High Protein--High Set Program by John McCallum
- The Bent Press by Kenneth Adney
- Triple Treats: A Blast from the Past by Ashley Jones
- Coming Back After Layoffs by Jim Schmitz
- Have Cannonballs Will Travel: The John Patrick Sullivan Story by J. V. Askem
- Finnish Tour by Randall J. Strossen, Ph.D.
- The "Art" of Throwing: Art McDermott Revolutionizes the Sheaf Toss by Jason J. Pauli
- Ilkka Kinnunen: The Strongman Gladiator by Jyrki Rantanen
- Bulgaria 1998 by Randall J. Strossen, Ph.D.
128 pp.
No. 1282-6.4 (.5 lb.) $7.95