Cover: Russia's Oleg Perepetchenov (77-kg category) stole the show at the 2001 European Weightlifting Championships in Trencin, Slovakia.
- Letters to the Editor
- Welcome by Randall J. Strossen, Ph.D.
- Iron Filings
- Captains of Crush Grippers: Who's New
- Calendar
- The Iron Mine
- Martin Muhr: Building on the Bavarian Stone by Thomas Klose
- Mikel Saralegui: 329 Kilos on the Shoulder by Lucio Doncel
- Plamen Asparukhov: The New Face in Bulgarian Weightlifting by Randall J. Strossen, Ph.D.
- Mutlu Triples, Perepetchenov Predominates: 2001 European Weightlifting Championships by Randall J. Strossen, Ph.D.
- 2001 Tahoe Pro-Am Arm Wrestling Tournament Goes International by Merle Meeter
- All-Round Buckeye Record Breaker by Lee Gesbeck
- 2001 Beauty and the Beast World Strongman Challenge: Americans Turn Up the Heat in Hawaii by Wade Gillingham
- 2001 IronMind Rolling Thunder World Championships by J. V. Askem
- Scrollwork: Bending Bars into Artistic Shapes by John Brookfield
- Fat Loss Revisited by Steve Brylski
- Taking the Confusion Out of Sets and Reps by Bill Starr
- Book Review: Modern Trends in Strength Training: Reps and Sets by Charles Poliquin, reviewed by Art McDermott, CSCS
- Life in the Loft: In Search of Sergio by Dr. Ken E. Leistner
- Specializing on the Press by J. V. Askem
- Bombing Out: The Tragedy of Unfulfilled Potential by Ollie Whaley
- Running by John McCallum
- Where to Find Intensity by Steven Helmicki
- General Patton's Principles for Health, Strength, and Victory by Fred Hutchinson
- Training the Rock Climber's Grip by David Hurzeler
- Iron by J. G. Latimer
- The Full Squat Snatch: Are You Ready? by Jim Schmitz
- Strong Support for the Squat by Casey Butt
- Wonderful Walker: The Story of Ron Walker (Part I) by Ron Tyrrell
- The Searcher: The Spirit of the Stones by Peter Martin
- Russian Men of Might: Sergey Eliseyev by Josef Svub
128 pp.
No. 1282-9.2 (.5 lb.) $7.95