Cover: Nathan Holle, one of the absolutely brightest stars in the grip world, has officially mashed the No. 4 Captains of Crush gripper.
- Stronger Than You Are by Randall J. Strossen, Ph.D.
- Letters to the Editor
- From the Trenches: Ron's Gym–Your Gym? by Ron Burgess
- Iron Filings
- Calendar
- Captains of Crush Grippers: Who's New
- The Iron Mine
- Holle-eluia! Nathan Holle W(h)ales on the No. 4 by Randall J. Strossen, Ph.D.
- Javier Gonzalez: Weightlifting in Cuba by Lucio Doncel
- Strongman Training: A New Approach to the 2003 Season by Karl Gillingham
- No Calf Machine Required by Fred Hutchinson
- Garage Gym by Steven Helmicki
- A Return to Natural Supplementation by Bill Starr
- The Focus Factor--Part II: Train to Your Limit by David Shaw
- Shoulder Injuries in Strength Athletes by Robert G. Marx, MD
- The Iron Way by Steve Jeck
- Olympic-style Weightlifting for Fitness and Physique by Jim Schmitz
- Supplements by John McCallum
- At the Table: The Hook by Leonard Harkless
- Throwing the Scottish Hammer--Part I: Focus on Technique by Carlos F. Borges
- Exercises Plus Challenges Equal Results by John Brookfield
- Life in the Loft: Building Strength, No Contest by Dr. Ken E. Leistner
- Training Not Just Physical by Ashley Jones
- Training While Traveling by Lonnie Watson
- Superior Fitness from Weightlifting by Deszo Ban
- 2003 European Senior Weightlifting Championships: Riegert and Russia by Per Mattingsdal
- Strongman Season Wrap-Ups and Roll-Ups
- Canadians Arrive at Masters World Highland Games Championships by William M. Scruggs, Ph.D.
- All-Round Update: Records Redux by Lee Gesbeck
- IFSA Vantaa Grand Prix 2003: Surprising Finn-ish by Lene Karlsen
- IWF Super Heavyweight Gala: Stian Grimseth Cup by Per Mattingsdal
- The Unrecognized Hero of Austrian Weightlifting: Josef Steinbach by Gherardo Bonini
- The Searcher: Thoughts and Findings on Stones by Peter B. Martin
- Russian Men of Might: The Strong Trio from Bavaria by Joseph Svub
128 pp.
No. 1282-11.2 (.5 lb.) $7.95